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The texts labeled people in these social groups such as lower class, middle class, and upper class, and the cotext around these groups reveal to us that money is usually the determiner of who belongs in these groups. For example, one of the Occupy Wall Street articles from Oct. 24, 2011 said:The middle class Americans didnt invent the financial instruments that blew up this economy. Middle class Americans did not make a pile of money on these very strange derivatives. I think that the anti Wall Street movement is drawing that line because theyre right, that the first and primary cause of this will lay on Wall Street and in the financial community, while a lot of middle class Americans were trying to do the right thing. The middle class was mentioned three times and the cotext around that social category was all about money, ie. financial instruments, economy, pile of money, Wall Street, financial community. These paradigmatic choices and the semantic preference around the middle class is all about money, this tells us that social categories are generally defined by money and economic capital. In this example, the semantic prosody, the meaning middle class takes on is one about money and capital. Similarly, another text broadcasted on October 17, 2011 said:Basically, theyre still in a game of heads they win; tails, taxpayers lose. And they benefit from tax loopholes that in many cases have put people with multimillion dollar incomes paying lower tax rates than middle class families.

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